Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society, Inc.

CVDS Homepage CVDS Photo Gallery Daylily Care 2019 CVDS Photos Community Service Awards

Our purpose is to promote, encourage and develop the interest and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis. To increase public interest by providing educational programs on how to care for the daylily and events that promote and encourage participation and furthering the interest in daylilies.

CVDS Club Officers for 2024 - 2025 

President - Larry Miller

1st Vice President - Ellen Averill

2nd Vice President - Susan Breazeale

Secretary - Brenda Dillman

Treasurer - Rita Thompson

Club Reporter - Pam Snellgrove

Publicity Director - Susan Wirt

Photographer & CVDS Website Editor - Glenn Ward


Here's the way you can become a member of the Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society

Membership dues payable no later than deadline of March 1st of each year and are effective from January 1st thru December 31st of the same year. Dues not paid by the deadline each year will automatically cause persons name removed and suspended from the membership roll and mailing list. Upon suspension from the membership roster, that member will become an inactive member and will not be permitted to vote in elections and will not be eligible to be elected for any club office.

Membership dues per calendar year are:

Junior Membership (under 18 yrs. of age) $4.00

Individual Membership $20.00

Family Membership (husband & wife) $25.00

Lifetime Membership:

Individual Membership $50.00

Family Membership (husband & wife) $75.00






For a limited time, anyone who joins CVDS will receive a free daylily as a special gift!

American Hererocallis Society & AHS Region 5 Information

The American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. (AHS) is a non-profit organization. The AHS is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, and especially to promote, encourage, and foster the development and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis and public interest therein.

Join the American Hemerocallis Society and receive The Daylily Journal. Four issues each year. A colorful, informative magazine featuring pictures of new cultivars; how-to articles on care, feeding, and hybridizing; and news of upcoming AHS meetings and conventions.

The name of this association is American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) Region Five.  It is an affiliate of the American Hemerocallis Society.


AHS Region Five is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote, encourage and foster the development and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis and public interest therein, by all suitable and appropriate means.  AHS Region Five is organized exclusively for educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.

Members by virtue of having paid dues to the American Hemerocallis Society, Inc., those members, in good standing, residing in the state of Georgia automatically become members of AHS Region Five.  There are no separate regional dues.

Each member shall receive the American Hemerocallis Society quarterly journals and the regional newsletters.