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Community Service Awards

Community Service Awards are provided to two individuals from the group of Junior and Senior high school students who have volunteered at the Daylily Festival at the Columbus Botanical Garden.

A total of up to $2000 will be awarded among those students deserving

The purpose of presenting this award is to:

* Award those students that showed exemplary behavior and performance.

* Provide expanded awareness within the school bodies and among their parents of our event and the award possible.

* Provide a future incentive to hopefully attract even more high school volunteers to the Daylily Festival.

The names of the awards as listed on their plaques will read:

* Drs. Henry and Nora Ngo Service Award 2025 Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society.

*Larry and Linda Miller Service Award 2025 Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society.

Students will apply in March of 2025 with awards to be announced around school graduation exercises.

The criteria to be eligible to apply for the Awards is they first had to have worked at the Daylily Festival. Then we review their submissions including the following information:

*Hours worked at the Daylily Festival.

* Grades and any test scores.

* Their hobbies and intrests.

* A one page summary of how they perceived their working at the Daylily Festival.

We will conduct interviews with all the applicants. From that group, two outstanding individuals are selected. Awards will be presented to them in front of a group of their peers.